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The film "Liberation for Destiny" is a docudrama that tells the story of a simple Ukrainian boy from the beginning of Ukraine's independence in 1990. The film also explores Ukrainians who have been accepted by various civilized states, such as the European Union, Canada, Armenia, Georgia, the United States, and the United Kingdom. Additionally, the film delves into ecology and astrology, and proposes solutions to various important economic, financial, and social issues, as well as the salvation of humanity and making a progressive leap in the development of humanity not through war, but through dialogue. The documentary film "Liberation for destiny" is being made in order to stop the aggression of the Muscovite country against the entire Ukrainian society and the civilized world built on the law and principles of democracy and religion. Ukraine is on the front line of this struggle, as it has been throughout the history of civilization, and we prove this with historical data and the study of Ukrainian DNA. We prove that Ukraine is a part of this world. Moscow has perpetrated the greatest deception in the world and is a terrorist country, not only its government but also its non-Ukrainian population, which does not know its own origin and history and presents itself as Ukrainians. The war accelerates the destruction of the planet's ecology, which we urgently need to stop, as well as the mass killing of animals. More than 50,000 dolphins alone have been killed. The goal of the film is to create a company without owners in order to change the financial, economic, and social system, also to build rockets, occupy the most important niches in the global business, create a national company, and develop our own metamask that can help people overcome death. This is also a movie about the principles of democracy that the American people and Abraham Lincoln fought for - for freedom of speech and the liberty that the people of Ukraine are fighting for today. It draws parallels between those times and the present day. It's a continuation of the same struggle we, as humanity, must win and finish, so that peace, equality for all, and prosperity may prevail on earth.




Russia is a terrorist state





Ukraine was unknown to you until now

The film is based on the book "Liberation 4 destiny" by the Ukrainian writer. This is the author's third book. An epic war novel about Ukraine and the problems not only in Ukraine but around the world. The film explores important problems of a psychological and philosophical kind, as well as political ones related to historical events. And this film will be about the invasion Russian army to Ukraine.  

Buy book number 2 from the trilogy

  • Illustration




Our team

Our team is our proud. Each of the team members is dedicated to delivering the best results 


Oleksandr Lychakfilm director. producer, scriptwriter


Jim BlankemeierCameraman 


Oksana Ladaactress - Nadya


Kiki Wangcostume designer, scene designer


thurgoodjhinesPhotographer, cameraman


Blanca Samperio assistant director, casting director


Soldier. Roman


Line Producer, Ihor Koziianchuk 


Producer, Tetiana Moroz 


Video assist, data managerBelykanych Alexander 


 Film editor, Serhii Kocherhin


 Operator, Yana Gagarina


 Costume designer, Alina Velychko 


Operator, Taras Truba

Preparation and filming process






Abraham Lincoln and Ukrainian Idea

The main idea of Ukrainian society follows the postulates of Abraham Lincoln.

Democracy is not a house, but a powerful invisible force in the unity of people. Let us show that people can endure terrible suffering and still come together. Perhaps this will save the idea of democracy that we strive for. Ultimately, let us become worthy of it. In any case, everything that we had to prove with blood and sacrifices has now been proven. Let us stop this bloodshed.1. There is a great need for democracy and freedom among people.2. Democracy should be aimed at achieving the good of the entire population, not just the benefits of certain classes.3. Freedom and equality should be ensured for all people, regardless of their race, ethnicity, social or economic status.

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    4. Democratic regimes should be based on the principles of legality and adherence to rules that ensure justice and freedom.
    5. Democracy cannot exist without citizen participation and active involvement in decision-making and government.
    6. Democracy and freedom cannot be achieved through violence and bribery - they should be spiritual qualities that are formed through education and upbringing.
    7. A free and independent press is one of the main means of ensuring democracy and freedom of speech.
    8. A careful attitude towards diversity in opinions and views is of great importance for the process of peaceful resolution of conflicts and ensuring the constant development of democracy.
    9. In a democratic society, the right to protection against violence and discrimination based on personal beliefs and convictions should be ensured.
    10. Democracy and freedom are a constantly changing process that requires constant development and improvement. 
    Author's words: This is how the Ukrainian people appeal to the civilized world in memory of the true foundation of democracy, which was Abraham Lincoln. This call does not apply to Russia, because they are degenerates who kill people who want democracy, because they destroy all laws and rules and the civilized world must be with fists and cruel to enemies. This is a matter of survival, they or us.
    10 of Lincoln's sayings and how they would have sounded in those days :

    1. Thar's a powerful need fer democracy an' freedom amongst th' people.
    2. Democracy sh'd be aimed at achievin' th' good o' th' entire people, not jus' th' benefits o' sartin classes.
    3. Freedom an' equality sh'd be ensured fer all folks, regardless o' their race, ethnicity, social or economic status.
    4. Democratin' regimes sh'd be based on th' principles o' legality an' adherence to rules that ensure justice an' freedom.
    5. Democracy cain't exist without citizen participation an' active involvement in decision-makin' an' governin'.
    6. Democracy an' freedom cain't be got by violence an' brib'ry - they sh'd be spiritual qualities that are formed through education an' upbringing.
    7. A free an' independent press is one uv th' main means o' ensurin' democracy an' freedom o' speech.
    8. A careful attitude towards diversity in opinions an' views is o' great importance fer th' process o' peaceful resolution of conflicts an' ensurin' th' constant development o' democracy.
    9. In a democratic society, th' right to protection agin' violence an' discrimination based on personal beliefs an' convictions sh'd be ensured.
    10. Democracy an' freedom are a constantly changin' process that requires constant development an' improvement.

Plans. Token "Democracy"

In order to launch a token "Democracy" that will help connect investment opportunities for people in regards to company ownership, the following steps are necessary:
● Creating a blockchain platform: a blockchain platform must be developed to support the issuance and circulation of tokens.● Developing a smart contract: a smart contract must be created based on the blockchain platform, which will define the key parameters of the token such as the quantity, value, terms of sale and exchange, and more.● Legalization: all necessary legal procedures must be completed, such as company registration and token issuance.● Marketing and promotion: after launching the token, a marketing campaign must be conducted to attract investors and sellers who are interested in signing contracts to purchase tokens.● User support: after launching the token, support must be provided to ensure that participants in the system can buy and sell tokens in a way that is convenient for them.

  • What is needed to launch a company without owners 

    1. Blockchain system developers2. Software developers3. Legal consultants4. Marketers and PR specialists5. Business analysts6. Investors and financiers7. Market researchers and social research clients8. Recruiters for staff selection9. Technical support team for organization10. Partners and customers for the development of goods and services.

  • We are interested in specialists to launch a token

    We are interested in specialists to launch a token for a company without owners. The main law of this token is that regardless of the number of tokens, one person has the right to only one vote. To calculate the token economy, several key factors need to be determined:1. The number of tokens in the total emission. 2. The price of one token at the time of issuance and the possible change in price in the future. 3. The amount of investment required to be raised from the sale of tokens. 4. The mechanism for incentivizing favorable conditions for investors. One possible way to implement such tokenomics is to introduce a system of phased token issuance with a gradual change in price depending on the demand on the market. For example, for the first issuance, the price of the token can be set at $1, with the price increasing by 10% for each subsequent issuance. Thus, by the time the 10th block of tokens is issued, their price will be $2.59 per piece.
    The incentive to buy many tokens at once is that you will receive additional profits very quickly. We are also interested in conducting surveys on the rules of economics and social life that we will create based on our history and experience. The earlier you become a participant in our project, the sooner you can become an active participant in the problem-solving process, as well as become an employee of the company and build your career. The most important thing is to change this society for the better, to save our planet, to bring equality and well-being to all people on earth, and even overcome death. We will defeat capitalists by being the first national company in the world.

  • We're interesting in specialist

    We are interested in specialists to launch a token for a company without owners. The main law of this token is that regardless of the number of tokens, one person has the right to only one vote.
    To calculate the token economy, several key factors need to be determined:1. The number of tokens in the total emission. 2. The price of one token at the time of issuance and the possible change in price in the future. 3. The amount of investment required to be raised from the sale of tokens. 4. The mechanism for incentivizing favorable conditions for investors. One possible way to implement such tokenomics is to introduce a system of phased token issuance with a gradual change in price depending on the demand on the market. For example, for the first issuance, the price of the token can be set at $1, with the price increasing by 10% for each subsequent issuance. Thus, by the time the 10th block of tokens is issued, their price will be $2.59 per piece.
    The incentive to buy many tokens at once is that you will receive additional profits very quickly. We are also interested in conducting surveys on the rules of economics and social life that we will create based on our history and experience. The earlier you become a participant in our project, the sooner you can become an active participant in the problem-solving process, as well as become an employee of the company and build your career. The most important thing is to change this society for the better, to save our planet, to bring equality and well-being to all people on earth, and even overcome death. We will defeat capitalists by being the first national company in the world.

  • The company structure's 

    A company that operates without ownership structure will likely pursue certain trajectories during its initial decade of operation: 1. Establishment of a company without owners and its own token. The creation of a consensus-driven and open process for making decisions.2. Cannabis business in the USA.3. Tourism throughout Ukraine.4. Own YouTube and television channel. Own social network.5. Own football club.6. IT and technology - software development, web design, cyber security, artificial intelligence, robotics, blockchain, and a company without owners and the release of its own token.7. Medicine and biotechnology - research, development, and production of the latest medical drugs and equipment, genetic engineering, clinical trials, etc. Development of a tool to ensure brain work and transferring consciousness to a system similar to METAMASK, or built-in the METAMASK system. Building a system similar to METAMASK technology.8. Next-generation food industry.9. Online and express services. Creating a new interaction system in the new society for a company without owners and developing laws to uphold truth and social life. Complete transparency of the company with surveys, testing, interaction, creating an effective work system for equality, stability, earnings, and development.10. Space technology - production and launch of spacecraft that simulate a self-sustaining system for long voyages in space in case of planet Earth's destruction, satellites. Development of space tourism services. We know that a lot is being hidden from us. Those who have already decided everything for us do not understand that we have our own right to decide what to do. We understand that the fate of sinking is in the hands of those who are sinking themselves and we can save the majority of humanity who do not intend to accept the choice made for us.

If you are interested in our project, just email us and we will send you the details. If you share our mission and are willing to contribute to it, please email us. We will be glad to hear your suggestions and ideas and are willing to consider opportunities for collaboration.
Together we can do more!
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